Friday, August 3, 2012

Animal Neotropical

Welcome to Animal Neotropical, a wildlife rescue center. Here I stayed for a couple of days doing some volunteer work and helping around.

Front gate with Rosa
The house

Rosa and Michael, the brains and muscles behind Animal Neotropical

The main residents of the center are dogs:

One of the newest member of the family, a pregnant doggie
Most of the dogs were paired up so they are not alone in their pens
Cute little Golfito!
Rata doesn't seem to like me all that much...
 Other animals
Demonito, due to the big land slide last month his big house got trashed so for now he was kept in a smaller cage while his new house is under construction

This little fella is one of the long term visitors of the center. Like all animals he needs daily care and attention.
He was kept as a pet before so releasing him to the wild is not an option anymore

Another little one waiting for his new house, who knows the name of this animal in English?
Mister Toekan
 Some other animals passing by


Little nice lizard
Monkeys spotted in the trees!

 During the day I stayed and helped out at the center and in the night I was offered a bed at Jessicas house

Uncle, mummy, daddy and Jessica, lovely people!
Kitty kat watching our my room


Kids playing at the river shore
Full moon

 The two pics below are taking 2 seconds after one another. It's a kind of plant that reacts to contact, so when you touch it, it closes. Let's hear it for mother Nature!

1 comment:

A'bie said...

Thanks voor het kaartje! It has a sloth!!!

Tziet er daar fantastisch uit!

Nieuws uit het thuisfront: véééél regen, werken met de (rot)kinders en ik heb men theoretisch rij-examen, woehoe!

Have nog a beaucoup de fun!!
en groetjes van nienke