Sunday, July 22, 2012

La Playa: Manuel Antonio

After a 2 hour ride we arrived at Manuel Antonio. There we then went to a national park where they did not believe that I was a 17 year old native Costa Rican :p bye bye reduced price. 

The airplane restaurant on the way to the beach :p

The national bird: yiguirro

Plant thingie called ave del paraiso (paradise bird)

Find the monkey... :p

Bugs on a row, Hemiptera for those who know that name

The big terrifying little spider, who can give me the name... :p

Los ticos: The fake tica Sara (actually a half turkish/chinese canadian person who looks like a native Indian), Benigno, Mei and Juan

Be aware, very slow crawling creature passing the road

Sloth in the tree

 At the beach!

Sara and the beginning of a creation
Creation with creator

creation being ......a Diglet!!!!!
Mister Raccoon on the hunt

Target visualized, launch attack!

Benigna the merman!
 Since Sara didn't want to go into the water so we had the great idea to do so anyway. Result:
Angry Sara with happy Benigno
Miss Mei


Frog eggs that suppose to be a drink

How do you handle a problem like Sara?

Let's dump her!

Ooo, freaking good idea!
Something to remember:

1 comment:

Sophie Lintermans said...

You rock girl. Looks like you are wildly exploring the place! Enjoy! Sophie